
Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages

Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India is a premier institute providing higher education and research opportunities in the area of Language and Linguistic Studies. This page is an effort to bring the undercurrents to the surface.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Early evening is not a very good time to visit Panditji's tea stall...not if you don't like being surrounded by a swarm of overwrought bankers, choking on their samosas and deadlines... in afternoons, when the bankers are safely chasing targets in their airconditioned cubicles, a cloud of melancholy hovers above the shack... a drain trickles by (carrying with it its drainy smell)... mongrels curl up at the foot of the rickety bench... Panditji scrapes the aluminum mug clean, pours some water in it, sprinkles some tea dust and places it on the embers of his chulha...

Monday, March 29, 2010


It is just a place where I share random thoughts about all that matter to me & sometimes it coincides with what matters to the world

in reference to:

- Wasted (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, August 03, 2009

Where have all the flowers gone?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Reservations for A Better India

Hyderabad's first Pro-Reservation demonstration on Sunday, May22 at Indira Park. Here are the captures.

A little bit of techno stuff. The file you are downloading is a [.rar] file. Right click the link above and say 'Save link as'. After the file is downloaded you have to extract it and look for a file named 'default.html'. Open that file and you can navigate throught the whole collection.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Pull and let go...!! Add a little direction and lo... You are soaring high. No!! This is no 'learn to live' thing with a student driver sign. This is how kites are flown.

Nothing can be done if you missed it this time. Be prepared next time.

Pictures might be a consolation. Believe me a very modest one.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

all the people are coming back

one by one the M.A. crowd is trickling back. yipee do.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Internet is back

Long live Beam Cable. Ok, i will not use this space to propagate commercial messages, but isn't it great to have internet back?
among othet things, the campus is getting emptier by the moment, one almost starts to wish for the PGDTE people to stay back....

The Administration Page